
Resource Basics

Resource Name Import CSV Data
Resource Version 1.50
Category Metadata
Downloads 548
Release Date 2/21/2016 1:48:31 AM

Resource Details

Description This script loads XMP data from a CSV file.
Installation Instructions 1. Download the script file
2. Select Tools -> Scripter
3. Load the downloaded script
4. Run the script with the run button
Usage Instructions Start the script. The requirements for the CSV file are:

1. It should use a comma, semi-colon, or TAB delimiter
2. The first line should contain the (also delimited) field definitions
3. There should be at least one column that contains the filename (without path)
Changes in this version 1.32; Fix for dialog dize on high-res monitors
1.3; fixed an exception that could be raised when selecting a XMP field
1.4: Added support for importing keywords (dc:subject)
1.41: Importing keywords now respects the Preference setting for Sync-Read
1.42 Fix for double entries in drop down when opening twice
1.43 File name column can now contain the full file path or the file name only
1.44 Fix for MS-Excel formatted CSV files
1.50 Reimplemented Progress
Special Requirements

Author Information

Author Name IDimager Support

Available Attachments

Attachment #1 ImportCSVData.png
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