
Resource Basics

Resource Name ExifTool Metadata Output
Resource Version 1.3
Category Metadata
Downloads 1811
Release Date 4/24/2018 5:02:23 PM

Resource Details

Description ExifTool Metadata Output will dump all metadata fields identified by the ExifTool program.
Installation Instructions This program needs the ExifTool package installed on your machine.
The distribution for ExifTool can be downloaded from the web site:

ExifTool provides several different distributions.

For Windows users, the simplest distribution to install is the
standalone Windows executable zip file. Download it, unzip it, and copy the file exiftool(-k).exe into

For Mac users, the simplest thing to do is to download the MacOS Package, which installs the executable exiftool into /usr/local/bin

By default, this script searches for the ExifTool executable in the following order:

1. If the registry key 'ExifToolFileName' is set, the script will use the key's value as the location of the ExifTool executable.

2. In the directory .

3. In the standard system directory (C:\Windows on Windows, /usr/local/bin on Mac.

The registry key is useful when the ExifTool package has previously been installed into a non-standard system directory. To set the registry key, type and execute the following within Tools-Scripter from the Hamburger menu:

WriteToRegistry('', 'ExifToolFileName', );

And then restart the script.
Usage Instructions 1. Select one or more thumbs
2. Open Tools -> Scripter
3. Load the downloaded script
4. Run the script with the Run button

1. Right click on one or more thumbs
2. Select Run Script from Repository, Metadata, ExifTool Metadata Output
Changes in this version 1.0: Initial Version

1.2: Addition of argument:
-api largefilesupport=1
For large file support

1.3 Added a "Save to Text File" option
Special Requirements

Author Information

Author Name IDimager Support

Available Attachments

Attachment #1 ExifToolDump.png
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