
Resource Basics

Resource Name Migrate MediaPro / EM / iView Catalog Sets to Portfolio Collections
Resource Version 1.04
Category Metadata
Downloads 593
Release Date 9/3/2018 9:45:47 AM

Resource Details

Description Migrates MediaPro / EM / iView Catalog Sets information to portfolio collections in Photo Supreme

Make sure that you export the annotations in MediaPro. During the export, also make sure that you include Catalog Sets.

The Catalog Sets will appear as collections in a dedicated Portfolio. If needed you can then move them to another portfolio.
Installation Instructions Download the script to your hard drive
Usage Instructions 1. Select the thumbnails to process
2. Open the Scripter from the Hamburger menu->Tools
3. Load the downloaded script
4. Click the run button
Changes in this version 1.01; removed dialog that appeared for every image
1.02; Added support for sub catalog sets
1.03; The script no longer removes the tags from metadata in the file
1.04; The script now uses its own dedicated progress component and
Special Requirements

Author Information

Author Name IDimager Support
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